Welcome to Little Birch Lake Improvement Association!


Little Birch Lake is located one mile east of Ward Springs, Minnesota, in North Central Stearns County, with over one-half of the water and watershed in Todd County. The lake is 838 acres in size with a maximum depth of 89 feet. The Little Birch Lake Improvement Association is an organization dedicated to water quality.


  • Thank you to all those that supported the Little Birch Lake Improvement Association this year!
  • A big thank you to all that helped with the Dinner Dance!
  • The construction of the rock arch rapids is complete
  • The DNR and LBLIA will be stocking walleye fingerlings this fall
  • If you are interested in joining the LBLIA Board or a committee, contact Steve Gudgell
  • Anyone interested in chairing the Dinner Dance should contact a board member or Steve
  • Thinking about taking online Boat and water safety class?  Click here for more info.
  • Enjoy the beautiful fall colors!